In an Excel file, you might have a couple of pivot tables on different worksheets. If you create a pivot chart for one of those pivot tables, you might spend a long time setting it up, with specific formatting and design settings.
It would be nice to copy that chart, and use it for another pivot table, but you can’t alter the source data for a pivot chart.
When you add fields to the Row Labels area of a new pivot table, subtotals are automatically shown at the top of each group of items, for the outer fields.
You can turn the subtotals off, or move them to the bottom of the group, if you prefer.
Watch the Video
To see how to add subtotals, and move them, you can watch this short video tutorial. You’ll also see how the pivot table’s report layout affect the subtotals in the Row Labels area.
For written instructions, and more details on working with subtotals, please visit my Contextures website: Pivot Table Subtotals
In addition to the regular items in a pivot table, you can also create calculated items, in one or more of the pivot fields.
In this pivot table, we’re summarizing data about insurance policies, with the number of new, cancelled, and existing policies in five regions.
Instead of showing all the data, we need to show the cancellation rate in the Northeast and the Southwest. To do this, we’ll add three calculated items, and those formulas will overlap in some of the cells. And that can lead to some problems!
Add Calculated Item for Cancellation Rate
First, we’ll hide the “New” status, and the “Central” region, by removing the check marks for those items in the field drop down lists.
Next, we’ll create a calculated item in the Status field, for cancellation rate:
Click on one of the labels in the Status field, such as cell A6.
On the Excel Ribbon, under PivotTable Tools, click the Options tab
In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items & Sets, and click Calculated Item.
In the Insert Calculated Item dialog box:
Type a name for the calculated item – CancelRate
Enter the formula: = Cancel/( Cancel+ Existing)
Click OK, to add the item.
In the pivot table, the CancelRate row will appear as zeros, so format those values as percentage, with one decimal place.
If you click on one of the cells in the CancelRate row, you’ll see the CancelRate formula that is used in the cell.
Add Calculated Item for Regions
Next, we’ll create calculated items for the Northeast and the Southwest, to show totals for the regions in those areas.
To create a calculated item for the Northeast:
Click on one of the labels in the Region field, such as cell B4.
On the Excel Ribbon, under PivotTable Tools, click the Options tab
In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items & Sets, and click Calculated Item.
In the Insert Calculated Item dialog box:
Type a name for the calculated item – Northeast
Enter the formula: = North + East
Click Add, to add the item, and keep the dialog box open.
To create a calculated item for the Southwest :
Type a name for the next calculated item – Southwest
Enter the formula: = South + West
Click OK, to add the item, and close the dialog box.
In the pivot table, drag the Northeast label to the left, so it is beside the North region.
Incorrect Cancellation Rates
The Northeast and Southwest columns are showing totals for the Cancel and Existing values, and those numbers are correct.
However, the CancelRate item is also being summed, which is not what we want. For example, the Northeast CancelRate shows 11.7%, which is the total of 5.9% + 5.8%.
Instead, we want that rate calculated as it is in East: = Cancel/( Cancel+ Existing). The rate should be 5.8%.
If you click on the Northeast CancelRate cell, the Northeast formula is showing, instead of the CancelRate formula.
Change the Solve Order
To fix the problem, you can change the Solve Order for the calculated items:
Select a cell in the pivot table, and then on the Ribbon, under PivotTable Tools, click the Options tab
In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items & Sets, and click Solve Order.
The message at the bottom of the Calculated Item Solve Order dialog box explains that the last formula listed is the one that determines the cell’s value.
We’ll move CancelRate to the bottom, so its formula will be used in the CancelRate row.
Click on the CancelRate item, and click the Move Down button, twice, to move it to the bottom of the list.
Click Close
Note: When you change the Solve Order, it affects all calculated items in the pivot table.
The Correct Results
With the Solve Order changed, the percentages in the CancelRate row are now showing the correct values – 5.8% for the Northeast and 2.7% for the Southwest.
When you click on the Northeast CancelRate cell, the CancelRate formula is showing, so the solve order change has fixed the problem.
Download the Sample File
To download the Solve Order, please visit the Calculated Item page on my Contextures website.
Watch the Video
To see the steps for creating calculated items, and changing the solve order, please watch this short video.
In addition to creating pivot tables from Excel data, you can also use external data sources, such as a text file, like the billing data shown below.
Import the Data
In this example, the billing data was imported to Excel from the text file, onto a worksheet named BillingData. This created an external data range with a connection to the text file.
You can create a pivot table based on the imported data, to show a summary of the billing data.
Update the Text File
If new billing records are added to the text file, they appear in the external data range when it’s refreshed. However, you might not see the new data in the pivot table that is based on the imported data.
In the screen shot below, there are now 21 invoices in the imported data, but even after refreshing the pivot table, it still shows only 18 invoices. The latest data doesn’t appear in the pivot table.
Use the External Range Name
When you create a pivot table from an external data range, the default data source is a reference to a range of cells, such as BillingData!$A$1:$J$19, where the external data range is located.
If you use the external data range’s address as the pivot table source, it does not automatically expand, if new data is added to the external data range.
However, when you import external data to an Excel worksheet, a named External Data Range is created, and if you base the pivot table on this named range, it adjusts automatically if records are added or removed.
Change the Pivot Table Source
If a pivot table is based on a specific range of cells, you can change its data source, so it uses the external data range name.
To see the name of the external data range, right-click a cell in the external data range, and then click Data Range Properties. The range name is shown at the top of the External Data Range Properties dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog box.
To base the pivot table on this range, select a cell in the pivot table, and then click the Options tab on the Ribbon.
In the Data group, click Change Data Source.
With the Table/Range highlighted, press the F3 key, and click on the external data range name, e.g. Billing_1
The Table/Range box will show the sheet name and the external data range name.
Click OK, to close the Change PivotTable Data Source box.
After the pivot table data source is changed to use the external data source named range, it will update automatically, if data is added or removed.
Refresh the pivot table to see the new data in the summary.
Last week, Angella emailed me, to ask if there was a way to create a copy of a pivot table, for each item in a report filter.
I suggested that she use a built-in pivot table feature, which is designed to do that – Show Report Filter Pages. The instructions for using this feature are shown below.
However, this built-in feature only copies the pivot table to a new sheet – it doesn’t copy any other content from the original sheet. Angella wanted the pivot table, and she wanted all the other content too.
So, I created a macro that will copy the original sheet, name the copied sheet, and select the pivot item in the copied sheet’s pivot table. You can see the sample code on my Contextures site.
If you just need a copy of the pivot table, you can do the job quickly and easily with the Show Report Filter Pages feature.
Copy Pivot Table with Show Report Filter Pages
To create a quick copy of a pivot table, for each item in a Report Filter field, follow these steps:
Select a cell in the pivot table (the pivot table must have at lease one Report Filter)
On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab
At the left, click Options, then click Show Report Filter Pages
In the Show Report Filter Pages dialog box, select one of the filters, and click OK
A new worksheet will be added for each* pivot item, named for the pivot item. (*see exceptions below)
Note: If a sheet with the item’s name already exists, another sheet will be added, with a number added at the end.
Report Filter Page Exceptions
When you run the Show Report Filter Pages command, it might not create a new sheet for each item in the Report Filter. The results will be affected by
the setting for Select Multiple Items
which items are currently selected in filter
Select Multiple Items Turned Off
If (All) is selected, a sheet should be created for each item.
If a specific item is selected, a sheet will not be created for that item. I guess that Excel assumes that since you already have a pivot table with that item’s data, you don’t need another one.
Select Multiple Items Turned On
If (All) is selected, a sheet should be created for each item.
If one item is selected, a sheet will be created for that item only.
If two or more items are selected (Multiple Items), a sheet will be created for each selected item.
Note: Select Multiple Items is turned off in the pivot table copies, even if it is turned on in the original pivot table.
Use VBA to Copy the Entire Worksheet
If you want to copy all the other content from the original worksheet, along with the pivot table, you can sample code on my Contextures site on my Contextures site. My code adds a “PT_” prefix to the sheets, and deletes any existing “PT_” sheets, if necessary.
When you create a pivot chart from a pivot table, the numbers on the chart’s axis are in the same format as the pivot table’s numbers. In the screen shot below, the numbers are in General format, with no comma and no decimals.
Video: Change Pivot Chart Number Format
This short video shows how to change the number format for the pivot chart only, or change the number format for both the pivot chart and the pivot table. There are written steps below the video.
Change Pivot Table and Chart
To change the number format in both the Pivot Table and the Pivot Chart, you can change a setting in the pivot table value field. For example, if you want to add a comma separator, follow these steps
In the pivot table, right-click on a cell in the value field. In this example, the Quantity field is in the Values area.
In the popup menu, click Number Format
In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number category
Change the number of decimals to 0, and add a check mark to Use 1000 Separator.
Click OK, and the number format is applied to both the pivot table and the pivot chart.
Use Different Number Format in Pivot Chart
In some cases, you might want a different number format in the pivot chart, rather than making it the same as the pivot table. In this example, you’ll format the pivot chart to show the numbers as thousands, so the numbers take less room.
Follow these steps to change the pivot chart number format, without affecting the pivot table:
In the pivot chart, right-click a number in the axis, and then click Format Axis.
In the Format Axis dialog box, click Number, in the list at the left.
Click the Custom category. This automatically removes the check mark from Linked to Source, which disconnects the axis labels from the formatting in the pivot table.
In the Format Code box, type a code for the formatting, such as: #,”K”;-#,”K”
Click Add, to create the custom number format code, and to apply the format. Only the pivot table has changed – the pivot table numbers are sill in the previous format.
With a pivot table, you can quickly summarize data, and show the Sum or Count for thousands of records. For example, in the pivot table shown below, the weekly regional sales are shown.
Besides showing a basic sum or count for the data, you can use custom calculations, to show things like a running total, or the differences between items in a pivot field.
Right-click on a value cell in a pivot table, then click Show Values As, to see a list of custom calculations that you can use.
Calculate the Difference
One that I use frequently is the Difference From custom calculation, that subtracts one pivot field value from another, and shows the result.
Note: If you want to show the difference between pivot fields, instead of pivot items, you can create a calculated field.
In the pivot table below, a second copy of the Units field has been added to the pivot table, and it shows the difference from the sum of one week’s sales to the next.
Change the Summary Function
You can use different summary functions with a custom calculation — not just a Sum. In the example shown below, the Units field is added to the Values area twice.
Both copies of the Units field are set to show the Count summary function.
The second copy of the Units field is changed to a custom calculation for Difference From.
Custom Calculation Tips
If you’re using custom calculations, here are a few tips to make them more effective.
To make the data easier to understand, you can change the heading from “Sum of Units” to “Units Change”.
You can add another copy of the Units field to the pivot table, and show both the total sales and difference in weekly sales
Experiment with the pivot table layout, to find the arrangement that will be easiest to read and understand.
Remember that a custom calculation can only calculate on items within the same pivot field. If you want to show the difference between pivot fields, instead of pivot items, you can create a calculated field.
Watch the Difference From Video
To see the steps for creating a Difference From custom calculation, please watch this short video tutorial.
Download the Sample File
To test the Difference From custom calculation, you can download the sample file from my Contextures website: Custom Calculations
There is a PivotPower add-in that’s available on my Contextures website, which helps with your pivot table tasks.
It automates some of the features that aren’t built in to an Excel pivot table, and makes some of the buried Excel pivot table features easier to access. For example, there is a command that changes all the data fields to SUM, which is handy when Excel defaults to COUNT.
Store Favorite Settings
I’ve added new features to the add-in, to make it even more useful. Now you can store your favorite pivot table settings in the add-in, and then apply those settings to any pivot table, and the active sheet and workbook.
There’s a list of the new features below, and one of my favourites is Currency SUM. It changes the selected field to the SUM function, formatted as currency.
Watch the PivotPower Premium Demo Video
To see a few of the new features in PivotPower Premium, you can watch this short video.
What’s New in PivotPower Premium?
The following features have been added in the new version of PivotPower Premium:
User Guide
Details on installing the add-in, and description of the commands
Column Width Autofit On
Column Width Autofit Off
Number Formatting
Number – 2 decimals
Number – 0 decimals
Currency SUM
Number – 0 decimals COUNT
Pivot Items
Hide All (Blank) Items
Show All (Blank) Items
Pivot Fields
Clear All Fields
Field List A-Z
Field List Source Order
Grand Totals
Show All Totals and Subtotals
Hide All Totals and Subtotals
Create New Cache
Purchase the PivotPower Premium Add-in
To make your pivot table tasks easier, you can purchase the PivotPower Premium add-in, at my Contextures website.
A pivot table shows a summary of the source data, and in the screen shot below you can see all the products that were sold, and the quantities for each colour.
When you filter the pivot table, some of that data might disappear. For example, in the pivot table shown below, the Customer field has been filtered to show XYZ Inc. orders.
They didn’t order all the colours for each product, so the pivot table is smaller. It’s only showing the products and colours that XYZ Inc. ordered.
Instead of having the pivot table change size, so it shows only the applicable items, you can change a field setting, to keep it consistent.
Show All Items in Excel 2010
To make all the items appear, even if the pivot table is filtered, you can change a Layout setting in the pivot table. This setting applies to a single field, so you’ll have to make the following change to each field in which you want to see all the items.
To show all items for a pivot field in Excel 2010 or 2007:
Right-click an item in the pivot table field, and click Field Settings
In the Field Settings dialog box, click the Layout & Print tab.
Check the ‘Show items with no data’ check box.
Click OK
After the setting is changed, all the colours are listed for each product, even if they weren’t sold for the selected customer.
To see the instructions for changing the setting in Excel 2003, please go to my Contextures website: Pivot Table Field Settings
Watch the Video
Watch this video to see the steps for changing the layout setting in Excel 2010 or 2007.
Occasionally, you might want to tear down a pivot table, and start from scratch. You don’t have to delete the pivot table though – you can clear all the fields, and then start adding the ones you want.
Clear Pivot in Excel 2010
If you’re using Excel 2010 or 2007, it’s easy to clear the pivot table, using a Ribbon command.
Select a cell in the pivot table that you want to clear.
On the Ribbon, under PivotTable Tools, click the Options tab.
In the Actions group, click Clear, then click Clear All
All the pivot fields are removed, and you’re left with an empty pivot table layout.
Undo the Clear
There’s no confirmation message when you click Clear All, so you can’t change your mind after you click that command.
However, you could click the Undo button, before performing any other actions, and all the pivot fields will be put back.
Clear the Pivot Table in Excel 2003
There’s no Clear All command in Excel 2003 and earlier versions, but you can manually remove the fields from the pivot table layout, either on the worksheet, or in the Pivot Table Wizard.
Clear the Pivot Table With Programming
The following code will clear all the fields from a pivot table, and make the field list visible, so you can start to rebuild it. Copy this code to a regular module in your workbook.
Note: You can’t undo the Clear All if you use this code. You could save the workbook before running the code, and then close without saving again, if you change your mind.
Sub ActiveCellClearPivot()
'clears pivot table for active cell
On Error Resume Next
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Set pt = ActiveCell.PivotTable
If Not pt Is Nothing Then
pt.ManualUpdate = True
'test version of Excel
If CDbl(Application.VERSION) >= 12 Then
'for Excel 2007 and later
For Each pf In pt.VisibleFields
pf.Orientation = xlHidden
Next pf
End If
pt.ManualUpdate = False
ActiveWorkbook.ShowPivotTableFieldList = True
End If
End Sub