Copy Pivot Table Values and Formatting

In some situations, you might want to send someone a copy of a pivot table, but as values only, not an interactive pivot table. That would give them a summary of the data, but without access to the underlying details, which might be confidential. If you want to copy the pivot table formatting too, it requires extra effort, and the manual steps are shown below, as well as a macro which makes it easier to copy pivot table values and formatting.

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Change a Pivot Table Calculated Field Formula

Pivot tables are a great way to summarize a large amount of data, without complex formulas. But if you need to, you can create formulas within a pivot table, with calculated fields and calculated items. After you create one, here’s how to change a pivot table calculated field formula. Continue reading “Change a Pivot Table Calculated Field Formula”

How to Revise Pivot Table Macros

There are lots of pivot table macros on this blog, and some of them affect the first pivot table on the worksheet only. Other macros make changes to the selected pivot table only, based on the active cell. See how to pivot tables macros, so the macros make changes to a specific pivot table, or all the pivot tables in a worksheet or workbook.

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Remove Pivot Fields with Macros

If you want to quickly remove all the pivot fields from one part of a pivot table, these macros will help. The sample macro below remove all the row fields, and there are more examples on my Contextures site, as well as a workbook that you can use for testing. Unlike the previous versions, these macros work with both normal pivot tables, and for OLAP-based pivot tables (Data Model).

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Clean Up Pivot Table Subtotals

When there are multiple row fields in a pivot table, the outer fields automatically show subtotals. The pivot table layout can look cluttered if there are too many subtotals, especially if they are close together. Here are a couple of tips to help you clean up pivot table subtotals, to make the data easier to read.

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Show Numbers as Text in Pivot Table Values

In an Excel pivot table, you can add text fields to the Row and Column areas, and in the Report Filters. However, pivot table Values area will only show numbers, so if you add a text field there, Excel shows a count of those text items. The technique shown below lets you show number fields as text Values, so you can display the names (East, West), instead of ID numbers (1, 2), for a small group of items.

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